۱۳۸۷ اردیبهشت ۱۱, چهارشنبه

هیلاری! ما فقط دو تا گیلاسیم

هیلاری! ما فقط دو تا گیلاسیم
ما را نزن! ما را نزن!ما گیلاسیمفقط دو تا گیلاس
گفتی که می‌خواهی ما را از زمین محو کنیگفتی که ما را محو می‌کنیما را محو نکن، ما را نزنما گیلاسیم
هیلاری گفت، می‌خواهم ایران را از صحنه روزگار محو کنمهیلاری!ما را محو نکن، ما را نزنما گناه داریمما فقط دو تا گیلاسیم
هیلاری! وقتی وارد آشپزخانه شدیدر کمد زیر دستشوییسحری است نوشته بر ظرفیدستت را سه بار بر ظرف بکشآیا معجزه‌ای رخ داد؟آیا غولی حاضر شد؟نه، معجزه‌ای رخ نخواهد دادهیچ غولی از بطری وایتکس خارج نمی‌شودحالا درش را دو دور به سمت راست بچرخانمحلول را به آب اضافه کنهمه چیز آماده استآن را روی تاریخ بریزحالا می‌توانی تاریخ را با وایتکس بشویی
این عکس تزیینی است و ربطی به وایتکس ندارد.
تو می‌توانی با محلولی از وایتکسپرچم سرخ ویتنامی‌ها را به پرچم سفید صلح تبدیل کنیو می‌توانی اجساد را از «‌دین بین فو» محو کنیتو می‌توانی مارتین لوتر کینگ سیاه را در وایتکس بیندازیتا از جان وین هم سفید‌تر شودتو می‌توانی افغانستان طالبان را چنان با وایتکس پاک کنیکه پاک‌تر از پاکستان شودتو می‌توانی صدام را با وایتکس از تاریخ عراق محو کنیاما، هنگام پاک‌سازی مواظب باشی جایی منفجر نشود
هیلاری!کمد زیر دستشویی را باز کنتو می‌توانی، تو توانستیتو با همان محلول وایتکس لکه بیل را از دامن مونیکا پاک کردیحتماً با همان وایتکس می‌توانی ایران را هم از صحنه روزگار محو کنیاصولاً وایتکس برای همین استو محو کردن ما کار دشواری نیستما چندین هزار کیلومتر جغرافیاییمو چندین هزار سال تاریخفقط ده دقیقه ما را در وایتکس بخیسانو دکمه قرمز را فشار بده ما محو خواهیم شد
اما نه، دست نگه دارما را محو نکنما را نزن، ما را نزنما گیلاسیمپیش از آغاز دکترین وایتکسشبی پیش از آنوقتی که به باغ رفتی، سری به مغول‌ها بزنبا عرب‌ها ملاقات کنو محمود افغان را ببینمواظب باش!آن‌ها پیش از این به ما تجاوز کردندلکه‌های آن‌ها هنوز روی دامن تاریخ ماستما آن لکه‌ها را نتوانستیم محو کنیمو مغول‌ها و افغان‌ها و عرب‌ها هم ما را محو نکردندتجاوز سختی بود، اما محو نشدیمآن‌ها می‌دانستند که تاریخ با سفره فرق می‌کندتاریخ، سفره نیست که لکه‌اش را محو کنیو سرزمین یک نقشه کاغذی نیستکه پاره‌اش کنی
هیلاری! ای محو کن بزرگای کاش خاطرات خودت را می‌خواندیتا شیوه درست استفاده از وایتکس را فراموش نکنیهیلاری! هیلاری!ما را محو نکن، ما را نزن ما گیلاسیم، فقط دو تا گیلاس
پیش از آن‌که تو تصمیم بگیری ما را محو کنیما سی سال آتش سوزاندیمتا همان یک چهارشنبه هم محو نشودو سی سال سبزه‌ها را گره زدیمتا روی زردمان را کسی نبیندو هشت سال زیر تانک‌ها له شدیمله شدیم، اما محو نشدیمو بیست و پنج سال لگد خوردیمآن‌ها هم می‌خواستند با لگد محومان کنندعقب ماندگی همین است!وایتکس وقتی ندارند، لگد می‌زنندما له شدیم و لگد خوردیم و آتش سوزاندیمهیلاری!لگد خورده‌ها را محو می‌کنی؟
هیلاری!سری به گوگل مپ بزنآیا هرگز فکر کرده‌ای تمام خانه‌هایی که گوگل مپ از بالا نشان می‌دهدخانه‌های آدم‌هاستآدم‌هایی که رویا دارندآدم‌هایی که کابوس می‌بینندآدم‌هایی که نفس می‌کشندآدم‌هایی که عاشق می‌شوندآدم‌هایی که می‌خندندآدم‌هایی که سال‌هاست آرزوهای‌شان رایک روز باد برده استلطفاً پیش از مصرف وایتکس به آدم‌هایی که زیر نقشه زندگی می‌کنند فکر کن
هیلاری!لطفاً ما را محو نکنما یک باغ گیلاسیم
بانوی خندان!می‌دانم که هنوز به آرای نبراسکا و فلوریدا و پنسیلوانیا احتیاج داریاما لطفاً در مصرف وایتکس زیاده روی نکنممکن است آنقدر زیاده‌روی کنیکه مردم آمریکا از وایتکس و محو کردن و هر چیز سفیدی متنفر شوندو اوبامای سیاه را به کاخ سفید بفرستند
ما را نزن! ما را نزن!ما گیلاسیم
نازلی احساس( معصومه مستشار)

The Top 20 Reasons Not to Move to Dubai

The city of Dubai is located in the northeastern part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) along the Persian Gulf. Dubai is the capital city of the emirate of Dubai, one of seven emirates forming the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is the second largest city next to Abu Dhabi in UAE. The upper part of the image shows the center of the city, which developed along the west side of the Dubai Creek. Dubai shows 2 different characters: one as a business district lined with high-rise buildings along the creek; and another as a resort with Jumeirah Beach and the safari tour of the desert, shown at the lower left of the image. Off the coast of Jumeirah Beach is the world's largest man-made island resort The Palm in the Persian Gulf, now under construction. The design of the palm tree-shaped island can be seen in the image. The image covers an area of 40.8 x 53.5 km, was acquired 17 September 2003, and is located at 25.2 degrees North latitude, 54.9 degrees East longitude.

Living in Dubai is not wonderful and glamorous, as many would have you believe. Forget about what you’ve read, seen, and heard; those shiny buildings and manmade islands are all just smoke and mirrors. There are so many things wrong with this place that I have decided to compile a list, a must read if you are considering a potential move to Dubai.
1. There is no standard address system making mail-to-the door delivery impossible. In fact, it makes anything nearly impossible. The taxi driver, here for only two days, and having learned English from old Beatles albums has no clue where your house is. He won’t tell you that of course, he’ll just keep calling and saying, “Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah.” When you purchase something that requires delivery they do not have an address line, but a box where you are expected to draw a map. Not able to draw a map? Explain like this: I live on the street after the airport road, but before the roundabout. Go past the mosque and make a U-turn.
2. The government blocks all web sites that it deems “offensive” to the “religious, moral, and cultural values” of the UAE. That’s hard to swallow for a freedom loving American, but I get it. I do not understand, however, why all VOIP access and related web sites are blocked. I guess the government also takes offense to people inexpensively contacting their families back home. You’re welcome to call using the analog service provided by the government-owned telephone monopoly, but it will cost you a whole lot more. So much so, in fact, your frequency of calls will be greatly diminished if you can afford them at all. The government says VOIP is blocked for security reasons, yet even the residents of communist China and North Korea have access to 3. It is really hot outside. Not Florida in July hot; Hot as if you were locked in a car in Florida in July with sufficient humidity to make it feel as though you are drowning. Hot as in 120 degrees with nearly 100% humidity. Do not look to the wind for relief. This is the equivalent of pointing a hairdryer on full blast directly at your face. Pour fine moon dust-like sand over your head as you do this and you get the picture.
4. There are too few trees, plants, and grass – or living things aside from us crazy humans, for that matter. Ever see a bird pant? I have. In my opinion, human beings were not meant to live in such a place. If we were, there would be sufficient water and shade. The only greenery around are the roadside gardens planted by the government, who waters the hell out of them in the middle of the day. Thanks a lot! Didn’t you say we should cut down on our water consumption because you are unable to keep up with the demand? I have an idea: let’s all move someplace where it’s not 120 degrees outside.
5. This country prides itself so much on its glitz and glamour that it put a picture of its 7-star hotel on the license plate. Yet, the public toilets in the king-of-bling Gold Souk district are holes in the ground with no toilet paper or soap. Hoses to rinse your nether regions, however, are provided. This results in a mass of water on the floor that you must stand in to pee. Try squatting without touching anything and keeping your pants from touching anything either. Oh yeah. It’s 120 degrees in there too.
6. This country encourages businesses to hire people from other poor countries to come here and work. They have them sign contracts that are a decade long and then take their passports. Even though taking passports is supposedly illegal, the government knows it happens and does nothing to enforce the law. These poor people are promised a certain pay, but the companies neglect to tell them they will be deducting their cost of living from their paychecks, leaving them virtually penniless – that is, if they choose to pay them. Companies hold back paychecks for months at a time. When the workers strike as a result, they are jailed. Protesting is illegal, you see (apparently this law IS enforced).
These people will never make enough to buy a ticket home and even if they do, they do not have their passports. They live crammed in portables with tons of others, in highly unsanitary conditions. The kicker: they are building hotels that cost more to stay in for one night than they will make in an entire year. Things are so bad that a number of laborers are willing to throw themselves in front of cars because their death would bring their family affluence in the form of diya, blood money paid to the victim’s family as mandated by the government.
7. Things are not cheaper here. I’m sick of people saying that. I read the letters to the editor page of the paper and people say to those who complain about the cost of living rising here, “Well, it’s cheaper than your home country or you wouldn’t be here.” The only thing cheaper here is labor. Yes, you can have a maid – but a bag of washed lettuce will cost you almost $10.
8. There are traffic cameras everywhere. I consider this cheating. Where are the damn cops? I drove around this city for weeks before I ever even saw a cop. Trust me, they need traffic cops here. People drive like idiots. It’s perfectly okay to turn left from the far right lane, but speeding even just a couple of kilometers over will get you fined. These cameras are placed strategically as you come down hills, or just as the speed limit changes. Before you know it…BAM! Fined. Forget to pay the bill and your car will be impounded..
9. The clothing some of these women wear makes no sense to me. I understand that as part of your religion you are required to dress in a particular way, but a black robe over your jeans and turtleneck and cover your head when it is 120 degrees outside? In the gym some women wear five layers of clothing…sweatpants and t-shits over sweaters with headscarves. Yet the men’s clothing makes absolute sense: white, airy, and nothing underneath but their skivvies.
10. People stare at you. I am sick of being stared at. I’m stared at by men who have never seen a fair-skinned blue-eyed woman before, or who have and think we are all prostitutes so it’s okay to stare. They stare at me when I am fully covered or with my husband, and even follow me around. It’s beyond creepy and has brought me to tears on more than one occasion. The staring is not limited to men, either. I’m stared at angrily by female prostitutes who think I am running in on their territory by having a few drinks with my husband at the bar. 11. Prostitutes? Oh hell yes, there are prostitutes. Tons of them. So, let me get this straight, I can’t look at a naked picture of a person on the Internet in the privacy of my home, but it is okay to go out in public and buy a few for the night?
12. Alcohol can only be sold in hotels and a handful of private clubs. A person must own a liquor license to consume in the privacy of their own home. To obtain a liquor license you must get signed approval from your boss, prove a certain level of salary that determines how much you are allowed to buy, and then submit several mug shots (aka passport photos) for approval. Pay the fee and the additional 30% tax on every purchase and you may drink at home. Then again, you can just pick up a few bottles in the airport duty free on your way in to the country, but two is the max. Why not just drive out to Ajman where it’s a free-for-all and load up the SUV? It’s easy enough, but crossing the Emirates with alcohol is illegal – particularly in the dry emirate of Sharjah, which just happens to lie between Dubai and Ajman. Go figure.
13. Not only do you have to get your boss’s approval to obtain a liquor license, but you must also get the company’s approval to rent property, have a telephone, or get satellite TV.
14. Back to the craziness on the roads: If I see one more kid standing up and waving to me out the back window while flying down the road at 160 kph…whatever happened to seatbelts?
15. When is the weekend again? Let me get this straight: the weekend used to be Thursday and Friday, but no one took off all of Thursday, just a half day really. Now the government says Friday and Saturday are the weekend, but some people only take off Friday, others still take a half day on Thursday, but some might just take a half day on Saturday instead. Anyway you slice it, Sundays are workdays and little business can be accomplished Thursday through Saturday.
16. There are few satellite television operators:. The movie channels play movies that are old and outdated. Many of them went straight to video back in the States. Every sitcom that failed in the US has been purchased and is played here. Old episodes of Knight Rider are advertised like it is the coolest thing since sliced bread. The TV commercials are repeated so often that I am determined NOT to buy anything I see advertised on television here just for thee principle of it. When I say repeated often, I mean every commercial break - sometimes more than once.
17. The roads are horribly designed. Driving ten minutes out of the way to make a U-turn is not uncommon. People are not able to give directions most of the time (remember reason #1), and the maps are little help because most have few road names on them, if any. Where is interchange four? You just have to hope you got on the freeway in the right place and start counting because they are not numbered. Miss it and you’ll likely end up on the other side of town before you are able to turn around and go back.
18. Taxi drivers are dangerous and smell. Taxi drivers work very hard here to earn a living because travel by taxi is still relatively inexpensive, even though the cost of living is not (see reason #7). Because of this you may have a driver who has had little sleep or the opportunity to shower for several days. Many of these drivers have just as much difficulty finding their way around as you do, but add to this a third-world country driving style and extreme exhaustion and, well, remember to buckle up for safety.
19. Speeding is an Emirati sport and Emirates Road is just an extension of the Dubai Autodrome. I know I keep mentioning the roads, but really, much of this city’s issues are encompassed by the erratic and irrational behavior displayed on its streets. Visions of flashing lights on even flashier, limo-tinted SUVs haunt me as I merge on to the highway. Local nationals are somehow able to get the sun-protecting dark window tint denied to us lowly expats and use it to hide their faces as they tailgate you incessantly at unbelievably high speeds, their lights flickering on and off and horn blaring repeatedly. It doesn’t matter that you can’t get over, or if doing so would be particularly dangerous, they will run you off the road to get in front of you. Don’t even think about giving someone the finger; the offense could land you in jail. Tailgating is, unbelievably, legal.
20. Dubai is far from environmentally friendly. Ever wonder how much damage those manmade islands are doing to the delicate ocean ecosystem? Coral reefs, sea grasses, and oyster beds that were once part of protected marine lands lie choked under a barrage of dredged up sea sand. Consider the waste that occurs from erecting buildings on top of these sand monsters and from the people that occupy them coupled with the lack of an effective recycling program and you have an environmental disaster on your hands. Add to this more gas guzzling SUVs than fuel-efficient cars on the road and the need for 24-hour powerful air-conditioning and its evident that the environment is not high on the priority list of the UAE.
So while I’m sure there are benefits to living in Dubai, tax breaks, multi-cultural environments, and beautiful buildings aside, reconsider your plans to move here if any of the above mentioned reasons strikes a chord within you. Dubai is a city caught in an identity crisis. Struggling somewhere between its desire to be a playground for the rich and its adherence to traditional Islamic roots, rests a city that lacks sufficient infrastructure to support its delusions of grandeur. Visit if you must, but leave quickly before you are sucked into its calamitous void.these inexpensive calls.

Persian Gulf

The name Persia has always been used to describe the nation of Iran, its people, and its ancient empires since 600 BC. It is derived from the ancient Greek name for Iran's maritime province, called Fars or Pars in modern Persian, Pars in Middle Persian and Pârsa in Old Persian, a word meaning "above reproach." Persis is the Hellenized form of Pars, and through the Latinized word Persia, the other European nations came to use this word for the region. This area was the core of the original Persian Empire.
Since ancient times almost all foreigners referred to the entire country as Persia until March 21, 1935, when Reza Shah Pahlavi formally asked the international community to call the country Iran — a name that the people of Persia, themselves, used to refer to their country since the Sassanian period. "Iran" means "Land of Aryans". In 1959 some Persian scholars protested to the government that the name change had separated the country from its ancient civilization. Therefore, the late King Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi announced that both Persia and Iran can be used in Western languages.
Without disparaging the Arabs, Iranians are proud of their non-Arab heritage and strongly resent any attempt at denigrating or changing any aspect of their Iranian heritage. And the Persian Gulf occupies a pivotal place in the Iranian history and culture. Furthermore, Iran abuts the Persian Gulf for 2,000 Km, while about a dozen recently-created Arab Sheikhdoms and emirates border the Gulf on the other side.
The historical and geographical name of the Persian Gulf has been endorsed and clarified by the United Nations on many occasions and is in use by the UN, its member states, and all other international agencies worldwide. The last UN Directive confirming the name of the Persian Gulf was (reference ST/CS/SER.A/29/Add.2) on August, 18th 1994.
The worldwide Iranian people are deeply affronted by this arrogant designation of "The Arabian Gulf." We demand, in the strongest possible terms, that you take immediate steps to restore the rightful name of the Persian Gulf to the waterway on your TV programms (including Megastructures in which you used the fake name for Persian Gulf) and in your website.

۱۳۸۷ اردیبهشت ۲, دوشنبه

UFO Dogfight over Tehran

Declassified Defense Intelligence Agency documents released under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that on 19 September, 1976, an unusual incident occurred over Tehran, Iran. At about 0030 hours, the Imperial Iranian Air Force command post at Tehran received four telephone reports from citizens in the Shemiran (north of Tehran). Some of the callers reported seeing a bird-like object in the sky, while others reported a helicopter with a bright light. When the command post found that there were no helicopters airborne at that time, they called General Yousefi, assistant deputy commander of operations. General Yousefi at first said the object was only a star, but after talking to the tower at Mehrabad Airport, he looked for himself and saw a very bright object larger than a star. At that point he decided to scramble one F-4 Phantom jet from Shahrokhi Air Force Base in Hamadan. At 0130 hours, the F-4 took off and proceeded to a point 40 nautical miles north of Tehran. It was noted that the object was of such brilliance that it could be seen up to 70 miles away. When the F-4 came to within about 25 nautical miles of the object, the jet suddenly lost all instrumentation and communications. The pilot broke off the intercept and turned away. When the F-4 had turned back toward Shahrokhi, the aircraft regained instrumentation and communication. At 0140 hours, second F-4 was scrambled, piloted by Lieutenant Jafari and it acquired a radar lock on the object at 27 nautical miles range. The radar signature of the UFO resembled to that of Boeing 707 aircraft. Closing on the object at 150 nautical miles per hour. At a range of 25 nautical miles, the object began to move, keeping a steady distance of 25 nautical miles from the F-4.The size of the object was difficult to determine due to its intense brilliance. The lights of the object were alternating blue, green, red, and orange, and were arranged in a square pattern. The lights flashed in sequence, but the flashing was so rapid that they all could be seen at once.
As the object and the F-4 continued on a southerly path, a smaller second object detached itself from the first and advanced on the F-4 at a high rate of speed. Lieutenant Jafari thinking to be under attack, he launch an AIM-9 sidewinder missile, but he suddenly lost all instrumentation, including weapons control, and all communication. The F-4 pilot then instituted a turn and a negative G dive as evasive action. The object fell in behind him at about 3 to 4 nautical miles distance for a short time, then turned and rejoined the primary object.Once again, as soon as the F-4 had turned away, instrumentation and communications were regained. The F-4 crew then saw another brightly lit object detach itself from the other side of the primary object and drop straight down at a high rate of speed. The F-4 crew expected it to impact the ground and explode, but it came to rest gently. The F-4 crew then overflew the site at a decreased altitude and marked the position of the light's touchdown. Then they landed at Mehrabad, noting that each time they passed through a magnetic bearing of 150 degrees from Mehrabad, they experienced interference and experienced communications failure. A civilian airliner that was approaching Mehrabad experienced a loss of communications at the same position relative to Mehrabad. As the F-4 was on final approach, they sighted yet another object, cylinder-shaped, with bright, steady lights on each end and a flashing light in the middle. Mehrabad tower reported no other aircraft in the area, but tower personnel were able to see the object when given direction by the F-4 pilot. The next day, the F-4 crew flew out in a helicopter to the site where they had seen the smaller object land. In the daylight, it was determined to be a dry lake bed, but no traces could be seen. They then circled the area to the west and picked up a noticeable "beeper" signal. The signal was loudest near a small house, so they landed and questioned the occupants of the house about any unusual events of the previous night. They reported a loud noise and a bright light like lightning.Further investigation of the landing site, including radiation testing of the area was apparently done, but the results were never made public. Since this event occurred before the fall of the Shah, any records in Tehran itself may be lost.
The Defense Intelligence Agency itself called this report:An outstanding report. This case is a classic which meets all the criteria necessary for a valid study of the UFO phenomenon...
One of the most interesting things about this event is that it was apparently detected by a military spy satellite. This satellite, the DSP-1, was launched to warn of ballistic missile launches by detecting infrared heat sources. It was used to detect SCUD missile launches during Desert Storm. An analysis of computer printouts from DSP-1 by researchers Lee Graham and Ron Reghr, of Aero-Jet in California, shows that it definitely detected an infrared anomaly over Tehran at the time of the UFO event reported above.

قهرمانان نیروی هوایی

Iranian POW pilots in Iraq Iranian POW pilots in Iraq

List of IIAF Pilots who were killed in the Iran/Iraq War
Not included:Pilots who ejected and became POWPilots who ejected and were rescued

This List Is NOt Complete,

1.....……….. Abbaszadeh

2. Khosrow Abdolkarimi ( F-4 ) Bandar Abbas

3. Abolhassan Aboulhassani ( F-5 ) over Ducan Dam

4. . ...........Aboutalebi ( F-4 ) Bushehr

5. Hassan Afshin Azar ( F-5 ) Mossel

6. Nosratolah Aghaee ( C-130 ) Kermanshah 17-Dey -1359 =

7 Jan. 19817. Abbas .Akbari ( F-4 ) Iraq

8. Khosrow Akhbari ( F-4 )

9. Davood Akradi ( F-4 ) Karkook 8 - Aban - 1360 = 30 Oct.1981

10. Hashem Ale Agha ( F-14 )Soth of Mahshahr 20 - Mordad - 1363 =

11 Aug. 198411.Ali AliAkbaree ( F-4 ) Bushehr 7- Mehr - 1359 = 29 Sept. 1980

12. Masoud Amiri ( F-4 ) Aban - 1359 = Oct 1980

13. Asdolah AssadZadeh ( F-5 ) Over Faw

14. Asadolah Barbari ( F-5 ) over Rawanduz Mehr - 1359 = Sept 1980

15. Mohammad Balazadeh ( F-5 )

16. ............... Bazargan ( F-5 )

17. Ebrahim Dalal Khosh 1363= 1984

18. Mohammad Hossein Darabee ( F-5 ) 26 - Esfand - 1359 = 17 Mar. 1981

19. Ebrahim Delhamed ( F-5 ) 70 NM from Mosul

20. Masihollah Din Mohammadi ( F-4 )

21. Abbas Dooran ( F-4 ) Baghdad 31- Tir - 1361 =

22 Jul. 198222. Ali Eqhbali ( F-5 ) over Aqrah

23. Mohammad Eshghipoor ( F-4 )

24. Abbas Eslami Nia ( F-4 ) Baghdad 1359 = 1980

25. ...............Farahani ( F-4 ) Ghasre Shirin

26. Abbas Fazilat ( F-5 ) over Rawanduz

27. Hassan Ghahestani ( F-4 )

28. Reza Gharabaghi ( F-4 ) ????

29. Gholam Gholamrezaee ( F-5 ) Karkheh - Dezful 1359 = 1980

30. Khalil Ghobadi ( Helicopter ) Iraq

31. Mansour Ghoreyshi ( F-4 ) Mahshahr 18 - Bahman - 1359 = 7 Feb. 1981

32. Bijan Haji ( F-4 ) Over Iraq 18-Mehr 1359 = 10 Oct. 1980

33. Bijan Harooni ( F-5 ) Dezful

34. .......... Hassani ( F-4 ) Ghasre Shirin (Back Seat of Khoojasteh Nikoo) 1359 = 1980

35. Alireza Hashemian

36. ....... …. Heidarian ( F- 4 ) Back seat of Salehi

37. Homayoun Hekmati ( F-4 ) Over Persian Gulf 15-Khoordad 1363 = 5 June 1984

38. Behzad Hessaree ( F-4 ) Bushehr 9 - Mordad - 1361= 31 Jul.1982

39. Ali Ilkhani ( F-4 ) Ghasre Shirin 1359 = 1980

40. Ali Jahan Shahloo ( F-5 ) Iraq

41. Ghafoor Jeddi ( F-4 )

42. ...............Jooraki ( F-5 ) West of Dezful after Take off 13 - Mehr - 1359 = 5 Oct. 1980

43. ................Kadkhoodaee ( F-4 ) Over Mahshahr 6 - Mehr - 1359 = 28 Sept. 1980

44. Mohammad Kambakhsh Ziaee ( F-5 ) 3 - Azar - 1359 = 24 Nov. 1980

45. Mohammad Reza Karimi ( F-4 ) Over Mahshahr 6 - Mehr - 1359 =28 Sept.1980

46. Parviz Keyhani Nejad ( F-4 ) Over Persian Gulf

47. ...................................... ( F-4 ) Ghasre Shirin 1359 = 1980

48. Youness Khoshbin ( F-5 ) Karkheh - Dezful

48. Gholamhossein.Khoshniyyat ( F-5 ) Karkheh - Dezful

50. Ali Khosravi ( F-4 )

51. Ghodrat Kianjoo ( F-4 ) Back seat of Bijan Haji

52. Mansour Mohammadi Azad( F-5 ) Iraq - Esfand 1365 = Feb 1987

53. Masoud Mohammadi ( F-4 ) Bushehr 10 - Mehr - 1359 = 2 Oct. 1980

54. Darioush Nadimi ( F-4 )

55. ................. Nadernia ( F-5 ) 7 - Bahman - 1361 = 27 Jan. 1983

56. Ali Naghdi ( F-5 ) over Sahand & Sabalan-Tabriz

57. Reza Nooroozi ( F-4 ) West of Ahwaz

58. Mohamad Ali Oshrieh ( Farzin ) ( F-5 ) Over Ahwaz

59. Firooz Rahmatian ( F-4 )

60. Gholamreza Ranjbaran ( F-5 ) 15 - Mehr - 1359 = 7 Oct. 1980

61. ……… Roozitalab ( F-4 )

62. . ……… Salehi ( F-4 ) (Pour Rezaee's Wingman on 28 - Shahrivar - 1359 = 19 Sept.1980)

63. Mostafa "Hamid" Saghiri ( F-4 ) 3 - Mehr - 1359 = 25 Sept.1980

64. Changiz Sepehr ( F-5 ) West of Dezful after Take off 13 - Mehr - 1359 = 5 Oct. 1980

65. Mohammad Shademan Bakht ( F-4 ) 2 - Aban - 1359 = 24 Oct. 1981

66. Ali Shamsbeigi ( F-4 ) was killed on Helicopter crash over Kurdestan

67. Homayoon Shoghi ( F-4 )

68. Mohammad Shokoohnia ( RF-4 )

69. Ali Soleimani ( F-4 ) Persian Gulf

70. Shahab Soltani ( F-5 ) West of Dezful

71. Abbas Soltani ( RF-4 )

72. Hassan Taleb Mehr ( F-4 ) Ghasre Shirin 1359 = 1980

73. Ebrahim Tavakoli ( F-5 ) over Ahwaz

74. .............................. ( F-4 ) Paveh 1358 =1980

75. Mahmood Yazdanpanah ( F-5 )

76. Parviz Zabihi ( F-5) NE of Mosel 22 - Aban - 1359 = 13 Nov. 1980

77............. Zanjani ( F-5 ) Soleymanieh (Sharifi's Wingman)

78. Kazem Zarifkhadem ( F-5 ) West of Khaneh inside Iraq 3 - Mehr - 1359 = 25 Sept. 1980

79. Fereidoun Zolfaghari ( RF-4 ) Over Majnoon Islands 20 - Khoordad - 1359 =10 June 1980

80. Mehdi Zooghi ( F-4 ) Iraq

81. Rahim Zooghi Moghadam ( F-5 ) 21- Tir - 1361= 12 Jul. 1982
to be completed ...

مجوز استفاده از رادیو در منزل

مجوز نصب یکدستگاه رادیو کنسرت در منزلی در چهار راخ مختاری تهران 1319
ظاهرا این هفتاد سال اخیر اوضاع خرابتر شده چون دستکم اون موقع برا رادیو مجوز می دادن ولی حالا برا ماهواره مجوز هم نمیدن

۱۳۸۷ فروردین ۳۱, شنبه

۱۳۸۷ فروردین ۳۰, جمعه

رسانه، خلیج فارس و شاهنامه

کانال نشنال جیوگرافی یه برنامه داره به اسم مگا استراکچرز تو این برنامه در مورد ساختمان ها پل های عظیم یا هر ساخته دست بشر که دارای عظمت از لحاظ اندازه یا تکنولوژی و.... گزارش می ده. توی یکی از این برنامه ها به زیبایی تمام نحوه ساخت برج العرب در دوبی نمایش داده می شه و بارها نام جعلی خلیج عر ب ی بکار بیان میشه و بطور مکرر از تیزهوشی و درایت و مدیریت شیخ فلان (یادم نیست اسمش چی بود) یاد می شه ، طوری که فکر می کنی این برنامه داره از تلویزیون دبی پخش می شه. لازم به ذکر که این برنامه در کشور های مختلف از انگلستان گرفته تا هند و ... عیره پخش میشه واعراب از این طریق با صرف هزینه ای کم به نسبت دستاوردی که براشون داره باره نام جعلی رو مطرح و برای مصطلح کردنش تلاش می کنند
کانال هیستوری برنامه ای داره به نام مهندسی امپراتوریها که هر بار به بررسی یکی از امپراتوری های گذشته می پردازه، یکی
از اونا در مورد امپراتوری پارس است
کانال نیکلودین برنامه ای داره به نام اوتار : اوتار یه کودک افسانیه که صدو خورده ای سال سنشه! و در گیر ماجراهای افسانه ای بسیاری می شه و کل داستان اشاره به چهار عنصر آب ، خاک، آتش و هوا و تسلط اقوام و ملل گوناگون به این عناصر است و ظاهرا اوتار تنها کسی است که به هر چهار عنصر تسلط داره و قراره در جنگ با پلیدی جهان رو از نابودی نجات بده. کلیت داستان همان جنگ همیشگی و باستانی خیر و شره و چارچوب داستان بسیار شبیه داستانهای باستانی خود مونه اما در قالبی بسیار گیرا و مدرن
عرب ها در کنار سرمایه گزاریشون روی ساخت ساختمانهای مدرن و جزایر مصنوعی در آن بیابان برهوت با سرمایه گزاری و حمایت مالی از نشنال جیوگرافی و سایر رسانه ها براحتی دست به تبلیغات غیر مستقیم، عظیم و در عین حال زیبا و مردم پسندی زدن که در مقابل بی کفایتی، انفعال و دشمن تراشی مدیران و سرمایه گزاران دولتی و خصوصی ما مسلما برد با آنها خواهد بود. مگر آنکه راه دیگری جز اکتفا به ایمیل و امضا برای تثبیت حق خود پیدا کنیم.
هیستوری چنل در برنامه مهندسی امپراتوری تلاش کرد به امپراتوری پرافتخار پارس هم بپردازد ولی مقایسه ای ساده با سایر برنامه ها در مورد امپراتوری روم و مصر باستان نشان دهنده محدودیتهای فراوان تیم تهیه کننده بود. آیا برای سازمان های دولتی و یا حتی خصوصی ایران امکان حمایت علمی و بویژه مالی از آن وجود نداشت؟
آیا برای گروه های هنری و استعدادهای سینمایی و انیمیشن ایران این امکان وجود ندارد که برای یکبار هم که شده با دیدی مدرن ، داستانها و اسطوره های نا همچون شاهنما را به تصویر در بیاورند؟ ایا نمی توان رستم را برای یکبار هم که شده بدون یال و کوپال عتیقه در قالب یک قهرمان مدرن با الهام از دیجیمون و اوتار یا ترانسفورمرز به تصویر درآوریم و رخش را همیشه اسبی بزرگ نبینیم؟ اگر توان علمی یا استعداد اجرایی داخلی نداریم ، آیا نهاد های دولتی و خصوصی ما با صرف هزینه امکان سفارش تهیه یک انیمیشن مدرن و زیبا بر اساس افسانه های بسیار این آب و خام ندارند؟ استفاده هوشمندانه از رسانه های قدرتمند غربی با حمایت مالی از آنان نقشی بسیار فراتر از تصور در تامین امنیت ملی و تثبیت حقوق ایران و ایرانی دارد.
آیا می دانید بسیاری از غربی ها نمی دانند امپراتوری پارس همان امپراتوری ایرانیان است؟این نشانه ناتوانی ما در شناساندن خود است. آیا می دانید یک آمریکایی امنیت خود و کودکش را از جان هزاران ها انسان مثلا ایرانی یا عراقی و.... مهمتر می داند. به او حق بدهید! آیا ایران امکان حمایت مالی از رسانه های غربی و یارگیری به نفع خود را ندارد؟
بیایید تا دیر نشده به جای امضا جمع کردن برای گوگل و نشنال جیوگرافی برای احمدی نژاد و زرغامی و سرمایه گزاران ایرانی امضا جمع کنیم

۱۳۸۷ فروردین ۱۹, دوشنبه

لحظه ای فرخنده از تاریخ ایران

تیمسار دریابد رسایی در جزیره ابوموسی پس از آزاد سازی آن توسط نیروی دریایی شاهنشاهی ایران.
نهم آذر ۱۳۵۰ خورشیدی- ۳۰ سپتامبر ۱۹۷۱

۱۳۸۷ فروردین ۱۵, پنجشنبه

هدف آمريكا از برنامه دفاع موشكي

رئیس جمهور آمریکا در توجیه برنامه گسترش سپر دفاع ضد موشکی به شرق اروپا گفته است که این برنامه برای مقابله با تهدیدات موشکی کشورهایی مانند ایران ضرورت دارد.
منحنی مسیر یک موشک بالستیک قاره پیما را می توان به چهار مرحله تقسیم کرد. اولین مرحله، فاز پرتاب است که ۲۰۰ تا ۳۰۰ کیلومتر اول حرکت موشک را در بر می گیرد.
این فاز در موشک های با سوخت جامد تا ۳ دقیقه و در موشک هایی با سوخت مایع تا ۵ دقیقه طول می کشد. موشک در پایان این مرحله شامل کلاهک هسته ای، سیستم کنترل، موتورهای کوچک و وسایلی است که برای کمک به نفوذ در سیستم دفاعی دشمن طراحی شده اند. صدها هزار قطعه کوچک تولید پارازیت در موشک جاسازی شده اند تا سیستم راداری دشمن مختل شوند.
در فاز دوم که توسط سیستم کنترل برنامه ریزی می شود کلاهک ها تک تک به سمت هدف پرتاب می شوند. هر موشک عموما میان ۳۰ تا ۴۰ کلاهک حمل می کند.
در فاز سوم موشک که تمامی کلاهک های واقعی و قلابی خود را پرتاب کرده، در ارتفاع ۱۲۰۰ کیلومتری به حرکت ادامه می دهد. زمان این مرحله بین ۱۵ تا ۲۰ دقیقه است.
فاز چهارم، آخرین و کوتاه ترین مرحله است و کمتر از یک دقیقه طول می کشد. بقایای موشک با سرعت ۷کیلومتر بر ثانیه وارد جو می شوند و بالاخره از بین می روند.
بهترین زمان برای هدف قرار دادن یک موشک بالستیک همان مرحله اول یا فاز پرتاب است. اما این تنها در صورتی رخ می دهد که سیستم دفاع موشکی در کمتر از ۵۰۰ کیلومتری محل پرتاب موشک با سوخت مایع (یا ۳۰۰ کیلومتری موشک با سوخت جامد) مستقر شده باشد. ولي سيستم دفاع موشكي آمريكا در فاصله بسيار بيشتري از ايران مستقر خواهد شد. چرا كه هدف روسيه است نه ايران!

اطلاعیه ای برای پاکیزگی!

یک اطلاعیه خنده دار و در عین حال هوشمندانه نصب شده در دستشویی برا حفظ پاکیزگی!

۱۳۸۷ فروردین ۱۳, سه‌شنبه

اشتباه در شبیه سازی!

وقتی که دانشمندها در کلونینگ اشتباه می کنند

ابن سيرين

نامش محمد فرزند سيرين بصرى است، در تعبير خواب قدرت فوق العاده اى داشت ، سرچشمه تعبيرش ذوق سالم و فكر نافذ او بود .
در تطبيق خواب با حقايق انسان عجيبى بود ، براى تعبير خواب از لطايف قرآن و روايات استفاده مى كرد .
نوشته اند مردى از او پرسيد : تعبير اذان گفتن در عالم خواب چيست ؟ گفت : رفتن به حج . ديگرى همين مسأله را پرسيد ، گفت : دست به دزدى برده اى . آنگاه درباره اختلاف اين دو تعبير با اينكه خواب هر دو يكى بود گفت : چهره اولى را چهره اى نيكو و پسنديده و دينى ديدم ،
تعبير خوابش را از آيه ( وَاَذِّنْ بِالنَّاسِ بِالْحَجِّ ) گرفتم . اما چهره دومى را چهره خوبى نديدم ،
تعبير خوابش را از آيه ( اَذَّنَ مُؤَذِّنٌ اَيَّتُهَا الْعيرُ اِنَّكُمْ لَسَارِقُونَ ) گرفتم .
ابن سيرين مى گويد : در بازار به شغل بزازى اشتغال داشتم ، زنى زيبا براى خريد به مغازه ام آمد ، در حالى كه نمى دانستم به خاطر جوانى و زيباييم عاشق من است ، مقدارى پارچه از من خريد و در ميان بغچه پيچيد ، ناگهان گفت : اى مرد بزاز ! فراموش كرده ام پول همراه خود بياورم ، اين بغچه را به كمك من تا منزل من بياور و آنجا پولش را دريافت كن ! من به ناچار تا كنار خانه او رفتم ، مرا به دهليز خانه خواست ، چون قدم در آنجا گذاشتم در را بست و پوشش از جمال خود برگرفت و اظهار كرد : مدتى است شيفته جمال توام و راه رسيدن به وصالت را در اين طريق ديدم ، اكنون در اين خانه تويى و من ، بايد كام مرا برآورى ، ورنه كارت را به رسوايى مى كشم .
به او گفتم : از خدا بترس ، دامن به زنا آلوده مكن ، زنا از گناهان كبيره و موجب ورود به آتش جهنم است . نصيحتم فايده نكرد ، موعظه ام اثر نبخشيد ، از او خواستم از رفتن من به دستشويى مانع نشود ، به خيال اينكه قضاى حاجت دارم مرا آزاد گذاشت . به دستشويى رفتم ، براى حفظ ايمان و آخرت و كرامت انسانى ام سراپاى خود را به نجاست آلوده كردم ، چون با آن وضع از آن محل بيرون آمدم ، درب منزل را گشود و مرا بيرون كرد ، خود را به آب رساندم ، بدن و لباسم را شستم ، در عوض اينكه به خاطر دينم خود را ساعتى به بوى بد آلودم ، خداوند بويم را همچون بوى عطر قرار داد و دانش تعبير خواب را به من مرحمت فرمود
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